Deploying the CDR Server

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Deploying the CDR Server

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You can query call fraud information on the CDR server when a fraud occurs.

In the EC solution, the X1900 series unified gateways works with the CDRServer to generate call detail records (CDRs) for the  a third-party billing system to obtain.

ϒ⁄Unified gateway: Generates CDRs for all users connected to it and saves the CDRs to its CDR pool. The unified gateway periodically pushes CDRs to the CDRServer in an unsolicited manner or upon receiving the CDRServer's request.

ϒ⁄CDRServer: Parses the obtained CDRs and stores them as binary files (.bill) or text files (.txt) to a specific location on the CDRServer. The CDRServer can proactively send a request to the unified gateway for obtaining CDRs after CDR transfer is enabled under CDR ConsoleCall record transfer switch of the CDRServer.

ϒ⁄Third-party billing system: Obtains binary CDR files or text CDR files from the CDRServer through an FTP or FTPS interface.

Parent Topic: Configuring Toll Fraud Prevention



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