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See control board


See Service Creation Environment

secretary service

A service that allows an authorized user (manager) to register any user in the office as the secretary. All the calls to the manager are forwarded to the secretary and only the secretary has the right to connect the manager.

secretary station

A system in which the attendant answers calls and handles voice service requests.

secretary station service

A service that allows a call to a registered user to be held when this user is busy. When this user becomes free, this call is connected. This service is implemented based on the call queuing function provided by the secretary station. Typically, this service is used with the secretary service.

sequential ringing service

A service that allows multiple phones to ring in sequence. For example, assume that user A sets the phone number of user B for sequential ringing. When a user calls A, if A does not answer the call within 20 seconds, the phone of A stops ringing and the phone of B rings. A user can set a maximum of two numbers for sequential ringing.

serial number

One of a set of numbers that is put on items produced in large quantities, such as computers, televisions, paper money, etc. so that each has a different number and can be recognized

serial port

An input/output location (channel) that sends and receives data to and from a computer's CPU or a communications device one bit at a time. Serial ports are used for serial data communication and as interfaces with some peripheral devices, such as mice and printers.


1. On a local area network, a computer running administrative software that controls access to the network and its resources, such as printers and disk drives, and provides resources to computers functioning as workstations on the network. 2. On the Internet or other network, a computer or program that responds to commands from a client. For example, a file server may contain an archive of data or program files; when a client submits a request for a file, the server transfers a copy of the file to the client.3. A network device that provides services to network users by managing shared resources, often used in the context of a client-server architecture for a LAN.

Service Creation Environment

A service generation tool that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for programming.

service flow

The data flows such as audio, video, and fax data on the bearer network. The service flow is also called media stream.

service of number replacement on the same phone

A service that allows the caller to hear a number change announcement when the caller calls a registered user whose phone number is changed because of house movement. The call can be forwarded to the new number when the caller calls the old number. This function is optional.

Session Initiation Protocol

An application-layer control protocol that can establish, modify, and terminate sessions or calls. The sessions include multimedia conferences, Internet telephony, and similar applications. SIP supports the Name Mapping, Redirection Integrated Service, ISDN, and IN services. SIP also supports the personal mobility service, that is, end users can originate and receive calls and access subscribed telecommunications services in any location at any time. To sum up, SIP supports five signaling functions of establishing and terminating multimedia communications: User location (determining the end system to be used for communications) User capabilities (determining the media and media parameters to be used) User availability (determining the willingness of the called party to engage in communications) Call setup (sending ring back tones to the called party and establishing call parameters at both called and calling parties) Call handling and control (including redirection, transfer, and termination of calls) SIP can also initiate multi-party calls using a Super Main Control Unit (SMCU) or fully meshed interconnection instead of multicast. Internet telephony gateways that connect Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) parties can also use SIP to set up calls between them. SIP makes minimal assumptions about the underlying transport and network-layer protocols. The lower layer can provide either a packet or a byte stream service, with reliable or unreliable service. SIP can use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) with preferred and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as transport protocols, with the UDP preferred.


See signaling gateway


A physical entity that consists of the sub-rack, slot, backplane, cooling device, and power supply device. Components are placed and interconnected in the shelf. The shelf protects the components against pollution and damage.

signal tone

A digital announcement played at a specific frequency and cadence ratio, and represents the specific meanings. The dial tone, busy tone, ring back tone, test code tone and mute tone are signal tones.


The exchange of information specifically concerned with the establishment and control of connections, and with management, in a telecommunications network.

signaling adaptation

A function in which a protocol is matched according to the characteristics of the signaling protocol used by a country when the devices of different countries are interconnected through signaling protocol.

signaling gateway

A network device that converts control signals from one format to another.

signaling collect

An operation performed to collect protocol messages, the connection process of a signaling link on a port, and service processes in real time. The collected messages can be stored automatically for check. The signaling collecting function provides a basis for removing faults.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

The TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol which facilitates the transfer of electronic-mail messages, specifies how two systems are to interact, and the format of messages used to control the transfer of electronic mail.

Simple Network Management Protocol

A network management protocol of TCP/IP. It enables remote users to view and modify the management information of a network element. This protocol ensures the transmission of management information between any two points. The polling mechanism is adopted to provide basic function sets. According to SNMP, agents, which can be hardware as well as software, can monitor the activities of various devices on the network and report these activities to the network console workstation. Control information about each device is maintained by a management information block.

Simple Network Time Protocol

A protocol that is adapted from the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and synchronizes the clocks of computers over the Internet.

simultaneous ringing service

A service that allows multiple phones to ring at the same time. For example, assume that user A sets the phone number of user B for simultaneous ringing. When a user calls A, the phone of user B rings at the same time. A user can set a maximum of 10 phone numbers for simultaneous ringing.

single control mode

A running mode in which a single main control board is installed in a system with the main control design.


See Session Initiation Protocol

sip phone

A multimedia terminal device that supports the SIP protocol.

sip trunk

A packet trunk. Different from a physical channel defined by a circuit relay, a SIP trunk defines a logical channel, which solves the issues about interoperability authentication and call addressing between the local office and the peer office.


A conference mode that allows a user to define or hold a multi-site conference with a terminal. The SiteCall conference mode is provided by OpenVox ViewPoint 8000.


A slot defines the position of one Board and its RTM.


See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol


See Simple Network Management Protocol


See Simple Network Time Protocol


A term that refers to a softswitch device in a narrow sense. A softswitch provides call control and connection control for real-time services. As main control of the NGN, softswitches separate the services from the call control and the call control from the bearer, and adopt the application programming interface (API) and standard protocols. This makes it easy for network carriers to develop new services and realize new features.

software reset

An operation of re-loading data and program for specified boards by running MML commands.

software terminal

A set of software running on the PC to implement voice and video communication with the help of earphones and a camera.


See Supplementary Service


Stacking is a VLAN feature that allows the equipment to add two 802.1Q VLAN tags to a frame, so that the frame can be transported over the backbone network of the service provider. When the frame reaches the BRAS, the BRAS authenticates the frame based on

subnet mask

The technique used by the IP protocol to determine which network segment packets are destined for. The subnet mask is a binary pattern that is stored in the client machine, server or router and is matched with the IP address.

Supplementary Service

A service which modifies or supplements a basic telecommunication service. A supplementary service must be offered together with or in association with a basic telecommunication service. It includes: Call forwarding servicesCall barring servicesLine identification servicesCall completion servicesMultiparty serviceUnstructured supplementary service dataClosed user group service

supplementary service prefix

A prefix dialed preceding a valid phone number to subscribe to or deregister a supplementary service. Typically, a supplementary service prefix is a combination of numerals and the symbol # or *.


A process in which the active module switches over to its standby and the standby module switches to the active state. A switchover can be automatically triggered or manually performed.

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