Configuring the Truck Gateway

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Configuring the Truck Gateway

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This topic describes how to configure the trunk gateway in a multi-node centralized call management network for the unified gateway two-node cluster.


Basic data, including the unified gateway IP address, boards, and time zone, has been configured for the trunk gateway. For details, see Configuring the Basic Information.

Configuring Distributed Network Data

1.Use an administrator account to log in to the web management system of a X1900 series unified gateway.

2.Choose System > Network Mode.

3.Select Common from the Site type drop-down list box.

4.Click OK.

Configuring Office Route Data

1.Set office route selection codes.

ϒ⁄The office route selection code is 0 when the trunk gateway connects to the PSTN through a PRA trunk.

ϒ⁄The office route selection code is 1 when the trunk gateway is connected to the active node through a SIP trunk.

ϒ⁄The office route selection code is 1 when the trunk gateway is connected to the standby node through a SIP trunk.

ϒ⁄Choose Trunk > Office Route Configuration > Office Route Selection Code and click Create.

ϒ⁄Set Office Route Selection Code to 0.

ϒ⁄Click OK.

ϒ⁄Repeat the preceding steps to configure office route selection codes 1 for the trunk gateway to connect active and standby nodes through a SIP trunk.

2.Set office route IDs.

ϒ⁄Both the office route selection code and the office route ID are 0 when the trunk gateway connects to the PSTN through a PRA trunk.

ϒ⁄Both the office route selection code and the office route ID are 1 when the trunk gateway connects to the active node through a SIP trunk.

ϒ⁄The office route selection code is 1 and the office route ID are 2 when the trunk gateway connects to the standby node through a SIP trunk.

ϒ⁄Choose Trunk > Office Route Configuration > Office Route and click Create.

ϒ⁄Set Office route ID to 0, and select 0 from the Office route selection code drop-down list box.

ϒ⁄Click OK.

ϒ⁄Repeat the preceding steps to configure office route IDs 1 and 2 for the trunk gateway to connect active and standby nodes through a SIP trunk.

3.Configure a number change index.

Digit deletion: Configure number change index 0, which is used to delete the first digit of called numbers.

ϒ⁄Choose Trunk > Office Route Configuration > Number Change Index and click Create.

ϒ⁄Configure number change index 0.

ϒ⁄Click OK.

Configuring Prefixes

1.Configure outgoing call prefixes.

ϒ⁄Prefix for users at the headquarters to make outgoing calls: 900, 90, and 9

ϒ⁄Prefix for PSTN users to use the trunk gateway to make outgoing calls to long numbers of users on the active node: 2888

ϒ⁄Click Create. Configure international toll call prefix 900.


Local call prefix 9 can be configured only after international toll call prefix 900 and national toll call prefix 90 are configured.


ϒ⁄Click OK.

Configure other prefixes by using the same method. The interfaces for configuring other prefixes are . Table 1 describes the differences.

Table 1 Parameters for configuring outgoing call prefixes


Call Attribute

Office Route Selection Code

Calling Number Change

Called Number Change


International toll call





National toll call




Local call




Local call



Configuring the SIP Trunk

Configure the SIP trunk that trunk gateway to the active node and standby node. Set the office route ID to 1 and 2, domain name of the peer device to DefDNPrimarySrv and DefDNStandbySrv, and SIP port number to 5060. In addition, enable the heartbeat function and set the interval for sending heartbeat messages to 120s.


For the SIP trunk from the trunk gateway to the active and standby nodes, you do not need to configure rerouting upon failure. In normal cases, the SIP trunk between the trunk gateway and the standby node is unavailable. The trunk gateway determines the active and standby nodes through the heartbeat mechanism. Only the active node responds to the heartbeat messages of the trunk gateway, and the standby node does not. Therefore, the trunk gateway does not send routing messages to the standby node. After the active/standby switchover, the original standby node becomes the active one. In this case, the SIP trunk between the standby node (now the active node) and the trunk gateway is available.

1.Use an administrator account to log in to the web management system of a X1900 series unified gateway.

2.Choose Trunk > Trunk Configuration > SIP, click Add A Peer Office.

The connection between the local office and the peer office is displayed.

3.Click the line between local and point0. Set the SIP trunk that connects trunk gateway to the active node.

4.Click OK.

Repeat the preceding steps to configure the SIP truck that connects trunk gateway to the standby node.

Configuring the PRA Trunk

1.Choose Trunk > Trunk Configuration > PRA and click Add A Peer Office.

A red line is displayed between local and point0.

2.Click the line between local and point0.

3.Click Create and configure the PRA trunk.

4.Click OK.

The line between local and point0 turns green.

5.Choose System > Clock Source Configuration.

6.Set the peer device as the clock source to avoid frame slip (voice packet loss).

7.Click OK.

Parent Topic: Configuring the Unified Gateway Two-Node Cluster



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