Zaptel for PRI
Q1, You can not compile zaptel and asterisk
please make sure that:
1) You have installed all necessary packages and kernel source.
2) Make sure the version of kernel source is exactly same with the version of the kernel.
please check the few links:
3) make sure that you do not miss any packages or files in asterisk or zaptel.
4) make sure your system can access
Q2, ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
please check:
1) run lspci -vvvvv, make sure the system can detect the card. Tiger jet chip will be found. If there is no such Tiger jet chip, please clean the PCI slot and try again.
2) if lspc can find the card, make sure the pci id is included in the PCI table in our driver. how to patch the picid, please refer this link:
3) if step 1 and step 2 are ok, please check the zaptel.conf or system.conf to make sure that the setting is correct.
4) if step 3 is correct, please make sure that there is no mISDN tiger jet module in the system, if it is there, please remove that or add to blacklist.
5) if you still can not boot it up, you have to recompile zaptel or dahdi again.
Q3, when compiling zaptel, error: You do not appear to have the sources for…
please refer this:
Q4, Bug#439814: zaptel-source: oslec_echo_can_identify undefined symbol
please refer this:
Q5, Bug in Zaptel and – Only MG2
please refer this:
Q6, chan_zap.c:7874 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
If you see the error Jul 14 13:55:21 NOTICE[19519]:
chan_zap.c:7874 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
only occasionally, then you might have some devices in your pc (ide cards?) taking to long when taking an intterupt.
You might want to try to put the te411p card on a different cpu, or if its probably an ide card doing it, try playing with
hdparm (make your drivers slower) or disable that card, and take a new one.
Q7, chan_zap.c:7874 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
If you are being flooded (several times a second, non stop and the pri never worked) by lines as:
Jul 14 13:55:21 NOTICE[19519]: chan_zap.c:7874 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
Then probably the PRI you are using is not using PRI signalling but maybe some other type of signalling like E&M.
Q8, chan_zap.c:7874 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
If you see the error Jul 14 13:55:21 NOTICE[19519]:
chan_zap.c:7874 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
1) only occasionally, then you might have some devices in your pc (ide cards?) taking to long when taking an intterupt.
You might want to try to put the te411p card on a different cpu, or if its probably an ide card doing it, try playing with
2) check with hdparm (make your drivers slower), make sure speed of hard disk is normal.
3) try dchan => 16 change to hardhdlc => 16 in system.conf file.
4) try LBO with other values.
5) set resetinterval = never in chan_dahdi.conf
6) make sure the ports running with same providers.
7) try replacing with a new card.
Q9, Tonezones for zaptel.conf
The file zonedata.c contains the information about the tone zones used in libtonezone (and hence also in ztcfg). Here is a list of those zones:
us United States / North America
au Australia
fr France
nl Netherlands
uk United Kingdom
fi Finland
es Spain
jp Japan
no Norway
at Austria
nz New Zealand
it Italy
us-old United States Circa 1950 / North America
gr Greece
tw Taiwan
cl Chile
se Sweden
be Belgium
sg Singapore
il Israel
br Brazil
hu Hungary
lt Lithuania
pl Poland
za South Africa
pt Portugal
ee Estonia
mx Mexico
in India
de Germany
ch Switzerland
dk Denmark
cz Czech Republic
cn China
ar Argentina
my Malaysia
th Thailand
bg Bulgaria
ve Venezuela
ph Philippines
ru Russian Federation
tr Turkey
Q10, How to install asterisk, zaptel and chan_ss7
if you want to install asterisk, chan_ss7 and zaptel, please follow these steps:
1) download asterisk-1.4.20, zaptel-1.4.10 and chan_ss7_1.1
2) unzip asterisk-1.4.20.tar.gz to /usr/src, under asterisk dir,
please run: ./configure, make , make install, make samples.
3) unzip zaptel-1.4.10.tar.gz to /usr/src/, under zaptel dir, please run:
./confiugre, make , make install
4) unzip the chan_ss7_1.1.tar.gz to /usr/src, under chan_ss7_1.1, please do this:
4.1) modify the Makefile, do like this:
# non-standard places. INCLUDE+=-I /usr/src/zaptel-1.4.10/kernel ; point to the zaptel source #INCLUDE+=-I../source/telephony/dahdi/include INCLUDE+=-I /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.20 ; point to asterisk source
4.2) save and quit
4.3) run: make , make install ; 安装,编译 chan_ss7
4.4) copy ss7.conf file to /etc/asterisk/
4.5) copy to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
5) edit the zaptel.conf like this:
# Autogenerated by ./genzaptelconf -- do not hand edit # Zaptel Configuration File # # This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg # # It must be in the module loading order # Span 1: TE4/0/1 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" (MASTER) span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 # termtype: te bchan=1-31 # dchan=16 # Span 2: TE4/0/2 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2" span=2,2,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 # termtype: te bchan=32-62 # dchan=47 # Span 3: TE4/0/3 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 3" span=3,3,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 # termtype: te bchan=63-93 # dchan=78 # Span 4: TE4/0/4 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4" span=4,4,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 # termtype: te bchan=94-124 #dchan=109 # Global data loadzone = us defaultzone = us
6) edit ss7.conf like this:
[linkset-ls1] enabled => yes enable_st => yes use_connect => no hunting_policy => even_mru context => ss7_call language => en subservice => auto variant => CHINA ; 支持中国ss7 号信令 [link-l1] linkset => ls1 channels => 1-15,17-31 schannel => 16 firstcic => 1 enabled => yes echocancel => no echocan_train => 350 echocan_taps => 128 [link-l2] linkset => ls1 channels => 1-31 schannel => firstcic => 33 enabled => yes [link-l3] linkset => ls1 channels => 1-31 schannel => firstcic => 65 enabled => yes [link-l4] linkset => ls1 channels => 1-31 schannel => firstcic => 97 enabled => yes [host-openvox]; host IP enabled => yes opc => 0x222222 ; 点码 dpc => ls1:0x298922 ; 点码 links => l1:1 links => l1:1,l2:2,l3:3,l4:4
7) edit extensions.conf:
extensions.conf [ss7_call] exten => 100,1,Dial(ss7/outgoing number) exten => 100,2,Hangup
8) Load zaptel, wct4xxp and start asterisk
modprobe zaptel ; load zaptel modprobe wct4xxp ; load the wct4xxp ztcfg -vvvvvvv ; load the channels asterisk -vvvvvvvgc ; start asterisk
Under asterisk console
CLI> ss7 link status ;Check the status, make sure there is no error. ; 检查 ss7 的状态, 确保没有异常。 linkset ls1, link l1, schannel 16, sls 0, INSERVICE, rx: 5, tx: 1/3, sentseq/lastack: 4/4, total 199328, 199424 CLI> ss7 status linkset idle busy initiating resetting total incoming total outgoing ls1 30 0 0 0 0 0 gw1*CLI> ss7 linestat Linkset: ls1 CIC 1 Idle CIC 2 Idle CIC 3 Idle CIC 4 Idle CIC 5 Idle CIC 6 Idle CIC 7 Idle CIC 8 Idle CIC 9 Idle CIC 10 Idle CIC 11 Idle CIC 12 Idle CIC 13 Idle CIC 14 Idle CIC 15 Idle CIC 17 Idle CIC 18 Idle CIC 19 Idle CIC 20 Idle CIC 21 Idle
9) Use an extension dial 100 to make a call to ss7
Test tools
asterisk-1.4.20 zaptel-1.4.10 chan_ss7-1.1(1.1 以上版本已经支持中国ss7 号信令), 1.1 以前的版本请到 下载。 Openvox D410P