Fault Sources

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Fault Sources

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Fault sources help you how to obtain the occurring or occurred fault.

User Complaints

When receiving a complaint from a user, ask the user to:

1.Describe the fault symptom.

2.Check the parameter settings.

3.Use the LMT to capture related logs and send the logs to the service provider.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is a type of preventive maintenance that is periodically performed by maintenance engineers during the normal operation of the device to promptly detect and rectify potential faults.

During routine maintenance, the operations to be performed include but are not limited to:

ϒ⁄Checking whether an alarm is reported.

ϒ⁄Checking whether the device is properly grounded.


For details, see Administrator Guide.

Alarm Information

Device alarms reflect a device's running status. When a major or critical alarm is reported, the device is faulty or potentially faulty and must be cleared immediately.

The alarm information includes the following:

ϒ⁄The board is faulty.

ϒ⁄The CDR pool is full.

ϒ⁄The trunk link is faulty.

ϒ⁄The network is faulty.

ϒ⁄The E1/T1 trunk is faulty.


You can use the LMT to view the meaning, possible causes, and handling method of an alarm. For details, see Alarm Analysis.

Parent Topic: Overview



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