Web Self-Service System

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Web Self-Service System

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The unified gateway provides a web self-service system. Common users can access the system using a browser to perform operations such as managing conferences, registering or deregistering services, and maintaining service passwords.

Table 1 lists services provided by the web self-service system.

Table 1 Services provided by the web self-service system



Scheduling conferences

Users can schedule conferences as required and add participants.

Viewing conferences

Users can view and join conferences.

Initiating instant conferences

Users can initiate instant conferences as required and add participants.

Registering services

Users can register or deregister the ONLY, call forwarding, voice mailbox (for X1911, X1960, and X1981 only), abbreviated dialing and blacklist services.

Maintaining service passwords

Users can change their service passwords to ensure service security.


Parent Topic: Operation, Maintenance, and Management



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