Intelligent Routing

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Intelligent Routing

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The intelligent routing service automatically selects office routes when an IP trunk or a TDM trunk is faulty, and provides routing polices to increase communication reliability and minimize communication costs.

ϒ⁄Routing by time segment

Different time indexes are set for different office routes. Each time index corresponds to a specified time segment (accurate to hour). Based on the current time, the IP PBX searches for the time index for an outgoing call and selects the related office route.

The IP PBX allows multiple office route selection codes to share one office route. When an office route is added to multiple office route selection codes, multiple routing policies apply to the office route. The IP PBX automatically selects the routing policy based on the outgoing prefix that a user dials.

ϒ⁄Routing by charge rate

Different charge rate reference values are set for different office routes. The IP PBX preferentially selects the office route with the lowest charge rate reference value for outgoing calls. If all trunk circuits are busy for this office route, the IP PBX selects the office route with the second lowest charge rate reference value.

ϒ⁄Rerouting upon a routing failure

When a call fails to be routed based on the office route selection code, the IP PBX selects a new route based on the standby office route selection code corresponding to the failure processing index.

ϒ⁄Route load balancing

The IP PBX balances traffic among multiple preset routes. The IP PBX polls office routes based on office route IDs in ascending order till an office route that contains idle circuits is found. The later calls will poll from the next office route after an office route is selected by the preceding call.

ϒ⁄Routing by percentage

Different percentages are set for different office routes. The IP PBX selects office routes in turn based on the preset percentages. Except the office routes whose percentages are set to 100%, office routes are polled based on preset percentages in descending order.

ϒ⁄Routing by user right level

Different office routes are set for different user right levels. When a higher-right-level user makes an outgoing call, the IP PBX preferentially selects the office route that is set for the user right level. If selecting the office route fails, the IP PBX selects the office route that is set for a lower user right level.

When routing by user right level is used, the IP PBX preferentially uses an office route at the user right level to route calls. If no circuit is idle, the office route that is set for a lower user right level is used. Office routes that are set for the same level are polled based on office route IDs in ascending order. To ensure good voice quality of calls for higher-right-level users, these users are allocated with high-performance office routes. Lower-right-level users, however, are not allowed to use these office routes.

ϒ⁄Routing by trunk link balance

The IP PBX preferentially selects a trunk with more idle circuits to balance loads among available trunk links.

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